Monday 9 June 2008

Entertaining angels

A reflection on Genesis 18 v 1-15
Food in the eating place
And drink in the drinking place
Ancient signs of hospitality
An opportunity to entertain angels unawares
Signs of the triune God
As much as the ringing sound of laughter
Echoing through the encounter
For what encounter with the divine
Is not underpinned with mirth?
The mirth of a God
who allows us to sit down at table
and open ourselves to receive
much more than we can ever give.
The gift of life itself
In birthing and in dying
with open hands and open hearts
The God who is open to receive
whatever we can offer
and who gives
in wonderful extravagance.
Those sacred trees of Mamre
sheltered a sacred encounter
of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and Abraham, father of nations
and the laughter of Sarah and all the angels.
Food in the eating place
and drink in the drinking place
and hospitality becomes sacred
for all time.

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